What is 10digits.us?
10digits.us is a very simple site designed to help people find other people. As far as people search sites go they are definitely on the ‘less evil’ side though because they require an ID to remove records they’re far from perfect.
How to Remove Information from 10digits.us
Find the URL of the page exposing your personal information and copy it. Visit 10digits.us’s [removal portal] (http://10digits.us/remove). Paste the URL from step one into the provided field. Provide your email address. Upload a copy of your government-issued ID (you may redact your picture your license number and your signature). Submit the web form and follow the instructions in the confirmation email you will receive shortly.
10digits.us Privacy Policy, TOS and Removal
View the 10digits.us Privacy Policy here.
In some cases, a websites Terms of Service spells out ways to get your info off the site. This is sometimes referred to as a TOS removal. You can view 10digits.us’s TOS to see if it will help you get your info off 10digits.us.
10digits.us Opt Out
For instructions to opt out of 10digits.us visit .