PublicRecords360 is a people search site that aggregates public records and publicly available information. Like most people search sites search by a person’s name and city turns up current and previous addresses phone numbers nearest relatives court documents social profiles etc.
How to Remove Information from PublicRecords360
Visit PublicRecords360 and search for your information. Find the URL of the listing that best matches your information. Visit PublicRecords360’s opt out form. Follow the instructions for submitting the form and make sure to send a copy of your government-issued ID or a notarized statement of your identity.
PublicRecords360 Privacy Policy, TOS and Removal
View the PublicRecords360 Privacy Policy here.
In some cases, a websites Terms of Service spells out ways to get your info off the site. This is sometimes referred to as a TOS removal. You can view PublicRecords360’s TOS to see if it will help you get your info off PublicRecords360.
PublicRecords360 Opt Out
For instructions to opt out of PublicRecords360 visit