What is the most common content removal request? Which types of information are businesses and individuals trying to get off the internet the most? We decided to find out. The infographic below illustrates what we found; the most common content removal requests we receive here at Remove Online Information.
Negative Reviews
Negative Reviews was the most frequently requested type of content to remove from the internet. These reviews appear on review websites like Yelp, TripAdvisor, CitySearch, etc.
Criminal Records
The number two type of content people most frequently request to remove are criminal records. This includes online arrest records and mugshots.
Personal Information
Personal details such as one’s name, address, phone number, etc. is the third most commonly requested content to remove from the internet. People are advised to remove such data from the web to protect themselves from identity theft and other internet fraud crimes.
Consumer Complaints
Business wanting to take unfavorable comments and complaints down from consumer advocacy websites like PissedConsumer and RipoffReport ring it at number four in our study of what type of content removal is in the highest demand. You can find more information on how to remove online complaints here.