Persopo is a pretty typical people search site in that it aggregates names addresses phone number ages and possible relatives and allows users to search its database for people based on those criteria.

How to Remove Information from Persopo


Send an email to requesting that they remove your information. Include your name address and the names of any cities in which you’ve previously lived. Review these instructions on Persopo’s opt out page.

Persopo Privacy Policy, TOS and Removal

View the Persopo Privacy Policy here.

In some cases, a websites Terms of Service spells out ways to get your info off the site. This is sometimes referred to as a TOS removal. Checkout Persopo’s TOS to see if it will help you get your personal info off Persopo.

How to Opt Out and Remove Your Personal Information from Persopo

To get your personal information permanently deleted from Persopo follow the instructions below.

  1. Perform a search for yourself.
  2. Locate the listing that that contains your name, age, location, and/or possible relatives.
  3. Copy the entire listing page in text format (screenshots and links are not permitted).
  4. Send the listing you copied in text format to Persopo by e-mail or regular mail.

Note: Removal of personal records from Persopo can take up to 10 days to process. So be patient.

For instructions to opt out of Persopo visit