USIdentify is a pretty typical people search site that likely lists your name address phone number age and nearest relatives. Although your name age and city are available to anyone who runs a search your full address phone number birth date and relatives are hidden until the searcher creates an account.

How to Remove Information from USIdentify

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If you would like us to remove your records from mail a request with your full name date of birth and current city and state to: 9450 SW Gemini Dr. Suite #29296 Beaverton OR 97008-7105


USIdentify Privacy Policy, TOS and Removal

View the USIdentify Privacy Policy here.

In some cases, a websites Terms of Service spells out ways to get your info off the site. This is sometimes referred to as a TOS removal. You can view USIdentify’s TOS to see if it will help you get your info off USIdentify.

USIdentify Opt Out

For instructions to opt out of USIdentify visit